
Showing posts from April, 2021

Introduction to Fuji Industrial 100

  Fuji Film Industrial 100 Fujifilm is one of the most popular films in the globe.  Fujicolor Industrial 100 is billed as a film for “business purposes,” per the writing on the film box. The oldest reference to any sort of “Industrial” Fuji film is   from 2010 . As to why the film became translated as “Industrial,” the jury is out. Looking around online, the film sells in bulk packs out of Japan and some Western retailers have begun stocking the film as a single roll purchase. Fujifilm Japan has what seems to be a complete lack of information on the film on their own website. Here are some photos were taken in Cheung Chau with Fujifilm Industrial 100. The colour recovery and resolution are quite high and it is very suitable for new film users. If you guys are interested in film photography, welcome to share with me. I would share some other films with you next time ^^.